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Policy Director, Héritage Montréal 

Dinu graduated in Architecture at Université de Montréal and Architectural Conservation from the University of York and ICCROM. Since 1982, he works at Heritage Montreal, an independant NGO engaged through education and advocacy to promote the protection and appropriate development of the built, landscape and civic heritage of this metropolitan area and crossroad of cultures. He helped establish Canada's first M.A. in Conservation in his Alma Mater and contributed to mobilize citizens and society in support of an urban development sensitive to heritage and driven by knowledge and human values. 


Besides his contribution at the regional and national levels, Dinu is active in ICOMOS where he was an elected member of the International Board and Secretary General of the organisation. He took part in missions to disaster areas and contributed to the foundation of  International Committees on Risk Preparedness, Modern Era Heritage, Theory and Religious Heritage. He also chaired ICOMOS Canada. His involvement was acknowledged in various awards and his appointment as an Honorary Member of ICOMOS. 

This work is financed by national funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P, in the scope of the project UIDB/04189/2020 [ARTIS – IHA]


© 2023 ARTIS – Institute of Art History (FLUL)

Website credits: Inês Leitão

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